


2019.12.25 更新

December 21st, 2019

総研ビル  第10会議室


今月の久守先生のお話は特に興味深いもので、ご挨拶の仕方、ゆで卵の事、家具のことなど経験のある方からではないと聞けないお話でした。またHousehold Gods by Doborah Cohenの書物に関する先生の書評を通して、家具に興味のある人なら是非とも読んでみたい気持ちになります。

A Room with a View by E. M. Forster

Lucyの住むWindy Cornerはますます風が吹き荒れていきます。

Cecilの企てで、Emerson親子が近くに住む事になった事情から、George との再会を予期していたLucyではあったが、まさか散歩の途中のThe Sacred Lakeで遭遇しようとは---

How often had Lucy rehearsed this bow, this interview! But she had never imagined George who would be happy and greet her with the shout of the morning star.

All our carefully planned gestures mean nothing, or mean too much.

CecilとLucyがLondon からWindy Cornerに戻って来て、婚約者Cecilの態度に家族それぞれが気付くことがあったが、

Though nothing is perfect, Lucy felt for the moment that her mother and Windy Corner and the Weald in the declining sun were perfect. At the last minute, when the social machine was clogged hopelessly, one member or other of the family poured in a drop of oil. Cecil despised their methods---perhaps rightly. At all events, they were not his own.

The ghosts were returning; they filled Italy, they were even usurping the places she had known as a child. The Sacred Lake would never be the same again, and, on Sunday week, something would even happen to Windy Corner. How would she fight against ghosts? For a moment the visible world faded away, and memories and emotions alone seemed real.

◎Oral Class

Jon先生is going to visit Akita and stay there with his friend on New Year holidays.

He has spent his New Year Holidays in Thailand over these 10 years, so his friends there feel sorry to hear this. But the temperature there is about 9~10℃ and it’s very cold this year , compared with the previous years.

TEXT Goodbye, Things! 6 Decluttering Questions Answered by Minimalist Fumio Sasaki

Before discovering minimalism, I did read Marie Kondo’s book and found it helpful in reducing my things. I was the type who could never tidy up even as a grownup, living in a messy apartment well into my 30s.

To help you say goodbye to your things:

The important thing is not the measurement of how many or few things you have, but your own state of mind and how you feel about the things you have and you don’t have. If you have a lot of things and are truly happy, that’s totally fine. If you can be satisfied with just a few things, that’s just as wonderful.

Each material thing has the usefulness of having it around and the inconvenience of having to maintain it. If weigh them both and find that the inconvenience is winning, or if you are just exhausted of chasing after new things all the time, I think that’s the time to start giving decluttering a serious thought.

The things about Christmas

Eggnog, Reindeer, Red nose, Star or Angel (The ornament of Top of the Tree), Paris (from “Home Alone”),White Christmas (by Bing Crosby), Coca Cola (The first company, using the image of Santa Claus), Nutcracker (Ballet), pumpkin pie, Saint Nicholas, four ghosts(from “Christmas Carol”),Edison (light), six(star’s angle)





2020年 1月25日(土)  総研ビル8F 第11会議室

2020年 2月 はお休みです。

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